Landtech Solutions is a
Tanzanian company was established March, 2012 and is registered under the
Companies Ordinance (Cap 212). It is duly registered with Certificate of
Registration number 239460.
The Certificate of
Registration for Taxpayer Identification number(TIN) is 104-782-817 of
04-07-2006.(CTIN 1674545)
Business License of
Mission of the firm is
to provide our clients with high quality, affordable solutions for land
management and Surveying.
Landtech Solutions is
providing surveying services and land planning in rural and urban areas. This
covers the topographical mapping, Cadastral Surveys, Land use planning and
other development services using GIS (geographical Information System.)
The company provides a
range of consultancy services in the areas of land and engineering surveying,
planning and management of natural resources and environmental monitoring.
The company has its
goal to having provision of geospatial information solutions in all human
The firm has staff
conversant with Total Station, Geodetic and GIS) GNNS RTK and Levels. The
company uses the most recent technology.
Data Processing Tools.
AutoCAD, Word, Excel, survey and mapping software example 12D Model, SDR
Mapping, Map Suite, Land Desktop Developments.
The Surveying/mapping
services offered by us includes,
· Topographic Surveying
· Cadastral Surveying
· Route Survey
· Utility Surveys
· Urban Planning/Property Survey
· DGPS Control Survey
The services are
categorized as;
1. Field Survey.
The following services
are provided,
* Creation and management of
fieldwork data collection methodology;
* Large socio-demographic survey
project management;
* Data collection application
development, integrating GNNS, GIS IT and Web technology;
* Village boundary, land use and
adjudication of village parcels using aerial photo, satellite imagery,
orthophoto etc ;
* Urban settlement adjudication(plot
surveys) – base map preparation, town
panning design and plot surveys;
* Collection of core data properties,
* Control extension, Photo control
and topographical engineering,
* Training,
Areas where these
services are applicable;
* Demographical and statistical surveys,
* Educational surveys,
Health surveys ,
* Municipal and utility revenue collection
and management surveys,
* Utility surveys such as electricity,
water, telephone etc,
* Land and engineering surveying;
Clients Benefits;
Acquiring field data
accurately and mapping field data captures using integrated GNNS technology,
form part of the total GIS-based management systems to be developed by this
2. Mapping.
The following services
are provided;
* Infrastructure and settlement mapping
from digital products;
* Census cartography and mapping
(demarcation and digitizing of enumerator areas);
* Cadastral Mapping,
* Institutional, facility and business
geo-coding and mapping,
* Environmental and agricultural mapping,
* GNNS field mapping data collection of
data as input to GIS,
* Aerial and satellite imagery,
Areas where these
services are given,
* Demography and Statistics,
* Education (eg school location, facility
mapping and boundary survey),
* Health (eg health and clinic facility,
disease pattern modeling),
* Defense and security (e.g updating
outdated topographical maps etc),
* Retail and property (eg retail density
and site location mapping),
* Engineering mapping for planning and
design of roads, dams, water networks etc),
* Utility and Mining mapping for Urban and
Rural areas,
* Map digitization from existing analogue
Client’s benefits;
The company being
skilled can provide clients with simple mapping solutions. When needed clients
can be provided with pure mapping solutions,
Clients can benefit
other services related to;
Traffic and Public
works, Agriculture, Economics, Culture, Recreation and Social welfare, Finance,
Physical Planning, Housing, Statistics, Utility services, Water works, Revenue
collection, Regional and Local Government, Environment, Forestry, Informal
Settlements Upgrading, Preparation of Deeds, Non -Government Organizations
3. Preparation of
Master Plans
pioneered the delivery model for preparation of master plan maps.
The preparation of
master plan maps services includes
· Ordering of satellite imagery for LPA
· Conducting detail ground Survey
· Collection of primary and secondary
data collection
· Digitization Of Surveying Data &
Overlapping Of
Revenue Maps To Form
The Cadestrial Map
· Updation Of Approved Layout On To
Cadestrial map To Form The Town Planning Map
· Existing Study Map : climate, population study
· Exisitng Landuse Analysis
· Proposed Landuse
· Proposed Landuse Analysis
· Proposed Study Maps : circulation
pattern, Phasing of development.
· Submission Of 3 Set Of Maps &
Report For Govt Provisional Approval
· Submission Of 3 Set Of Maps &
Report For Govt Final Approval
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